
My Experience as a young doctor!

Faiza Hameed experience at the young doctors camp 2019Faiza Hameed
International School

My experience as a young doctor in the young doctors camp at Yashoda Hospitals was unforgettable and amazing! As soon as I reached there fearing how I would fit in the new environment , I was warmly received by the friendly mentors whose presence made my entire three day journey as a doctor much comfortable. We were provided with refreshments followed by a bag, waterbottle, notepad , pen and the most awaited our doctor’s coat that made the experience for gleeful!

They started off by summarizing the various subjects taught in MBBS and long it will take in completing it and then importance of specializing in a particular field etc. I loved the fact that they were honest with all the hardwork we need to do in the journey of becoming a doctor and also it is true that doctors are forever students as they need to keep learning about the new diseases that are cropping up. They also shared their experience as  how delighted they felt when they saved a life them giving immense satisfaction that all their hardship was worth it! After the session we visited the Acute Multi Care Unit(AMCU),bone marrow transplantation unit and learnt a lot of new things. We also visited the Cath lab with the sterile legging on for avoiding the infection and leant how the heart blockage is removed! We also learnt the different sanitizing methods they used to disinfect themselves. And then we headed for lunch. Lunch in a hospital what would u expect? Dal Chawal? I totally expected that but what we got was ‘biryani’ and’ paneer’ and ‘Gulab jamun’ and much more yummy food!

 The next day we visited the x- ray, CT scan and MRI scan centers then headed towards the other two blocks. The block B which had the cancer institute. There we learnt what is PET CT ie., Positron Emission Tomography – Computed Tomography and how it is used to diagnose cancer, giving 3d images and how due to the radioactive materials the cancerous cells are darkened by absorbing a lot of glucose due to increased metabolic rate. We also learnt how the Chemotherapy is done for the treatment. Then after another day of delicious lunch we headed to the Block-C where they had the blood bank and saw the colour coding  of the different blood groups, learnt what happens if a different blood group is injected in the body and hoe the blood and urine is tested manually as well as by the machines to confirm.

The third day, the last day of our camp we started off with an interactive session with the chief dietician of Yashoda Hospitals and learnt a lot of healthy tips. She talked about how carefully the food for the in-patients is prepared in Yashoda Hospitals inspecting even a smallest foreign particle like a strand of hair! She also told us how the physician, dietician and the nurse’s team work plays a vital role in providing the patients with the healthy and clean food according to their respective problems. Then we had a session on the basic life support(BSL), as the name suggests the basic things we need to know to support our lives. In the session we learnt the method of performing CPR ie., Cardiopulmonary resuscitation by practicing it on the mannequins ! We also learnt how to use the glucometer, stethoscope , BP machine etc.

Then after a mouth-watering meal and a ‘rasgullah’ for the dessert we went to the emergency department. We also saw the ambulance and all basic requirements needed by a patient in all kind of emergencies kept in it .We also saw the special scoop stretcher that Yashoda Hospitals has used specifically for people with spinal cord injuries or who cannot be lifted. We also visited the in-patients rooms which were very clean and beautiful no less than a hotel suite with all basic requirements including a tv and a couch for the visitors or for the attender.

It was an awesome experience with a lot of knowledge and encouragement, making us realize we were right in choosing this noble profession to pursue in future.

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