
Mucormycosis(Black Fungus) Frequently Asked Questions:


What is the treatment procedure for Mucormycosis?

The key for this treatment is to have a high index of suspicion and timely intervention. Immediate surgery is required to remove the affected dead tissue and bone from the nose, mouth and some patients require removal of their eyes also.  After that / Concurrently the patient needs Antifungal injection Amphotericin B which has to be taken for 4- 6 weeks to avoid any further spread of disease.

The injection is reported to be in short supply due to the increase in cases all over the country.

Most of the patients had a medical history of diabetes and were treated with steroids. Few patients underwent surgery while having active COVID-19 disease as any delay is harmful. Three of the patient’s eyes also had to be removed as they had become a focus of fungal infection.

This disease has now reached epidemic proportions, as cases are being reported from Gujarat, Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh also.

Mucormycosis incidents are higher in diabetic patients, especially patients who are on steroids and hence the dose of steroids and the sugar levels need to be monitored and regulated appropriately. To avoid any fungus settling in the nose these patients should start washing their nose with normal saline mixed with betadine or with Nasal Wash Kit.

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