
Patient Testimonial for Surgical Excision

Testimonial by Mrs. Chandana Saha

Treatment for: Presacral Tumour
Treated by: Dr. M. Manisegaran
Patient location: Tripura

A laparotomy and presacral tumour excision is a surgical procedure used to remove a tumour from the presacral area, which is located between the rectum and the sacrum. This procedure is typically performed when a tumour is discovered in this area and is causing symptoms such as pain, bleeding, or bowel movement difficulty.

The procedure begins with the patient being placed under general anaesthesia. The surgeon then makes an incision in the abdomen and carefully examines the area to locate the tumour. Once the tumour has been located, the surgeon will carefully remove it while preserving any surrounding tissue. The tumour is then sent to a laboratory to be examined further.

After the tumour is removed, the surgeon will close the incision with sutures and dress the wound. The patient will then be monitored for any signs of infection or other complications. Laparotomy and presacral tumour excision are both safe and effective procedures that can help reduce symptoms and improve quality of life. However, depending on the type and size of the tumour, additional treatment may be required.

Mrs. Chandana Saha from Tripura successfully underwent Laparotomy and Excision of Presacral Tumour at Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad, under the supervision of Dr. M. Manisegaran, Consultant Surgical Gastroenterologist-Minimal Access Surgery, Bariatric, Metabolic & Robotic Surgery.

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