
Patient Testimonial for Treatment of Nonulcer Dyspepsia

Testimonial by Mr. Deep Prathim Ghosh

Treatment for: Nonulcer Dyspepsia
Treated by: Yashoda Hospitals
Patient location: Agartala

Nonulcer dyspepsia, also known as functional dyspepsia or indigestion, refers to a condition characterised by recurring symptoms of upper abdominal discomfort or pain, bloating, early satiety (feeling full quickly), and nausea without any identifiable structural or biochemical abnormalities in the digestive system.

The treatment of nonulcer dyspepsia involves diagnosis through medical history and examination. Lifestyle changes like smaller, frequent meals, avoiding triggers, quitting smoking, and stress management are recommended. Medications such as antacids, gastric acid suppressants, prokinetics, and antidepressants may be prescribed. Psychological interventions like CBT and relaxation techniques can be beneficial due to their association with psychological factors.

Recovery from nonulcer dyspepsia varies from person to person. It is a chronic condition that requires long-term management. By following the recommended treatment plan, including lifestyle modifications, taking prescribed medications, and addressing any underlying psychological factors, individuals can experience a reduction in symptoms and an improvement in their quality of life.

Mr. Deep Prathim Ghosh from Agartala successfully received treatment for Nonulcer Dyspepsia (Indigestion) at Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad, under the supervision of Dr. A. Bharath Kumar, Consultant Interventional Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist.

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