
Advanced Omentectomy Surgery in Hyderabad 

Get Comprehensive Omentectomy Surgery at Yashoda Hospitals in Hyderabad.

  • 30+ Years Experienced Surgical Gastroenterologists
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities
  • 24/7 Rapid Response Team
  • Comprehensive Rehabilitation
  • Exceptional Outcomes
  • Advanced Laparoscopic Techniques

Why Choose Yashoda Hospitals for the Omentectomy Procedure?

Yashoda Hospitals offers advanced omentectomy procedures for patients with personalized care and cutting-edge techniques.

  • Best Gastro Hospital: Yashoda Hospitals is recognized as the Best Hospital for Omentectomy in Hyderabad, offering exceptional surgical care services.
  • Expert Surgical Gastroenterologists: Our highly experienced gastro surgeons specialize in performing advanced omentectomy surgery, ensuring optimal outcomes for all patients.
  • Cutting-edge Facilities: Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and advanced medical equipment, our facility provides the perfect setting for precise and accurate omentectomy procedures.
  • Dedicated Surgical Care: Our dedicated surgical care team is committed to guiding you through every step of your omentectomy surgery.

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Omentectomy Surgery Overview:

The omentum is a fatty part that lies on top of the stomach and intestines, so omentectomy involves removing the part or entire omentum. Sometimes cancer can find its way into the omentum, an important region in the abdomen. The omentum serves as a blood supply and also protects the stomach organs physically by being made up of fat cells and vessels that carry blood. If cancer is probably going to invade the omentum from nearby tissues, physicians generally advise omentectomy for persons with omentum cancer in order to stop any further dissemination of the disease. 

Various types of cancer, including ovarian, prostate, fallopian tube, uterine, stomach, colon, appendix, peritoneal mesothelioma, and pseudomyxoma peritonei, are all indications for an omentectomy. This surgery can either be a lap omentectomy or an open omentectomy. In total omentectomy, all the omentum is removed, while partial omentectomy removes only part of the omentum and can be supracolic or infracolic.

Omentectomy Procedure, Recovery, and Post-Procedure Care

Preparation: Prior to surgery, the doctor will perform a medical examination on the patient in order to evaluate their health. This evaluation may involve blood tests, urine analysis, imaging procedures, as well as performing an EKG. Additionally, they will talk about choices regarding anesthesia, instruct the patient to stop using specific medications before, and give dietary directions ahead.

During the procedure: General anesthesia is provided during this procedure, along with minor cuts made in the abdomen and insertions of a laparoscope, followed by inserting instruments. Careful dissection takes place as the surgeon removes it while clamping off any associated blood vessels with devices. Finally, one of these cuts has to be used to retrieve it out, and stitches or staples cover up those little openings made earlier.

After the procedure: The surgeons will impose on the patient several talks on results and findings, which usually lead to their remaining for several days in the hospital after surgery. A surgeon will assess your condition with a treatment plan; this is usually followed by radiation therapy or chemotherapy for eradication of cancer cells.

Recovery: Omentectomy recovery time depends on things such as length of hospital stay, initial recovery stage, and pain experienced in the first few days after surgery. In most cases, laparoscopic omentectomy lasts between 2 and 3 days, while open omentectomy may take much longer.

Post-procedure care: Post-procedure care includes:

  • Pain and discomforts may be remedied with prescribed medication.
  • Have enough sleep and do not overexhaust.
  • Keep the incisions clean and dry, and follow the physician’s instructions.
  • Eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole-meal foods.
  • The patients should drink lots of liquids and take foods high in fiber for regularity purposes.
  • Go for all scheduled appointments so as to follow-up on healing progress.


Procedure Name

              Omentectomy Surgery

Type of Surgery

                      Open or laparoscopic

Type of Anesthesia

                        General anesthesia

Procedure Duration

                              1 to 3 hours

Recovery Duration

                    Few days to few weeks


Benefits of the Omentectomy Procedure

• Sooner recuperation and shortened hospitalization.
• Diminished marks, unlike open surgery.
• Enhanced efficacy of treatment.
• Benign cysts or tumors can be excised through omentectomy.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Omentectomy Surgery

Omentum removal (omentectomy) doesn’t notably affect daily living or health for reasons that are not cancerous. In some exceptional cases, the interruption of the lymphatic system can lead to complications such as adhesions or lymphedema.

Omentectomy is a procedure performed to excise the layer of fat tissue present in the belly, which is often done for cancer management, grading, and enhancing treatment efficiency. It clears cancer cells, helps assess cancer stage, and can decrease irritation in cases that are not malignant, such as cysts or neoplasms.

Omentectomy is usually regarded as a low-risk procedure for a skilled surgeon using factors like the preoperative assessment, the procedure type, and other such things. There are advantages of laparoscopy over open surgery, such as smaller cuts, less bleeding, less pain during and after the procedure, quick recovery time, as well as reduced chances of infection.

Omentum is not a necessary organ for life even though it has so many functions because it is quite adaptable and leaves very little long-term impact on one’s health. Its loss could be compensated by other systems, even though the human body supports other organs and systems. The long-term effects of omentectomy on the daily lives or general health of people without cancer are minimal. However, omentectomy is mainly performed due to the presence of tumors, where the benefit of removing the malignant tissue outweighs its disadvantages.

An omentectomy is performed with general anesthesia and can lead to pain after the procedure, as in other surgical procedures. The severity of that pain depends on the kind of surgery done to the belly, why it was necessary, and how tolerant one is towards pain. Thus, doctors recommend analgesics along with discharge orders about taking care of the incision site that one is experiencing pain in.

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