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- FAQs about Covid-19
- A person with AB+ blood group of 70 years of age with no major health issues is it safe for him to take COVID vaccine?
- After corona treatment pass 44 days but still Iam suffering from tiredness legs and back pain?
- After CORONA vaccination got fever bone pain and black fungus whether he should go for 2nd vaccination?
- After CORONA vaccination got fever bone pain and black fungus whether he should go for 2nd vaccination?
- After CT scan in brain patient can take COVID-19 vaccine after how many days or not possible to take that vaccine?
- After taking COVID Vaccine my nose become dry What can I do?
- Any side effects after Corona vaccine in chronic hepatitis B patients?
- Can a Covid positive patient take vaccine?
- Can I get COVID vaccine during my menstrual cycle?
- Can I take restyl tablet along with COVID treatment?
- Can the coronavirus disease spread through feces?
- CML blood cancer patients taking COVID vaccine yes or no?
- Corona positive case on home quarantine but he is feeling mild back pain and mild difficulty on deep breathing what is line of management at home?
- Coronavirus Delta Variant Symptoms?
- COVID and pregnancy second trimester treatment?
- COVID Vaccine Period Cycle?
- Delta Variant can infect despite Covishield Covaxin doses?
- Delta Variant COVID Vaccine efficacy?
- Do a person need medication for dealing with body aches and fatigue post COVID?
- Does taking the COVID Vaccine to affect the Menstrual Cycle?
- Effectiveness of Covishield Vaccine and Covaxin?
- How infectious is the Delta Variant?
- How long does the Covid vaccine protect you?
- I am a diabetic and heart patient 70 years old woman, want to know when will I get COVID vaccination done,I had COVID 6 months back?
- I am diabetes patients 45 year I recovered from COVID last month can I take covishield vaccine
- I am feeling only fatigue after quarantine 4 days it is symptoms of COVID-19?
- I am on immunosuppressant medicine for autoimmune disease will it be be safe if I take COVID vaccination
- I got first dose of COVID as sinopharm. But due to unavoidable issue. I have to move India. so Can I take second dose of covishield?
- I had taken first dose of Covishield Vaccine on 5th March then I infected COVID-19 on 6th April now when I should take second dose of Covishield Vaccine?
- I took first COVID vaccine on 19th March I am having arthritis pain can I take acemiz Plus now ?
- I’m 58 yr old I don’t have any health complications I smoke can I get vaccine COVID-19?
- Iam 72yrs suffering from asthma bone/body pains can I take CORONA Vaccine?
- If remdesivir injection given to 60 years old COVID patient will it increases the serum ferritin?
- If you are pregnant What are the symptoms?
- Infection of finger is cause of Corona?
- Is a single dose of Covishield Vaccine effective?
- Is blood thinner necessary for covid-19 treatment?
- Is blood thinners mandatory for every COVID patient in post COVID treatment?
- Is Delta variant same as Indian variant?
- Is it recommendable to take a COVID-19 vaccine the first dose at age of 57 years for a woman with a slight headache?
- Is it safe to get vaccinated in hospitals which are treating patients for COVID?
- Is it safe to take COVID vaccine if blood sugar level is 96/188 Actually I am not diabetic due to steroid tab the post blood sugar level increased?
- Is MUCOR mycosis also seen in western countries in post COVID period or is it mainly seen in India?
- Is there any advantage in doing CT scan for moderate COVID cases?
- Is there any side effects of Covid-19 vaccine?
- My age is 55 years, can I get COVID vaccine? I am suffering of high blood pressure disease only?
- My blood sugar levels 250 mg fasting I can put in the COVID-19 Vaccine?
- My father took CT scan for COVID last week for his general check up without any symptoms but now he suffered from fever can we take CT scan again?
- My husband is 65 and took COVID vaccination 7 days back now he developed severe cough and high temperature can he take antibiotics along with Cronin ?
- My mother had got the Corona Vaccine last week and she is suffering still from fever and shivering now what we do?
- Pfizer efficacy against Delta Variant?
- Pfizer Vaccine against Delta Variant?
- Plasma therapy in COVID-19 with benefits and side effects?
- Plasma therapy not effective likely to be dropped from clinical management guidelines on COVID-19?
- Precautions to be taken after COVID Vaccination Covishield?
- Shall we make second dose of COVID vaccine anywhere in India?
- Should you stop blood thinners before COVID vaccine?
- Side effects of CORONA Vaccine on a person if he has hypertension and has removed gallbladder?
- Time gap between the first and second dose of Covishield Vaccine?
- What are post Covid complications?
- What are the stage wise symptoms of COVID?
- What are the symptoms of black fungal infection?
- What is the chances of black fungus infection if patient did not get any steroid during COVID treatment?
- What is the treatment given to COVID patients in hospital?
- When antibodies are produced after Covishield Vaccination?
- Where did the Delta variant come from?
- Whether cardiac senior citizens patients taking blood thinner as medicine can go ahead for taking double dose of COVID vaccination?
- Which drug is prohibited in COVID shield vaccination?
- Which Vaccine is effective against Delta Variant?
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- How safe for a filariasis affected person to take CORONA vaccine?
- Hyderabad Academy Of Pathologists Thank you page
- I am COVID-19 positive I have pain in my right leg I want Solution
- I am suffering from high blood pressure and thyroid problems and having medicines regularly so is it possible to take COVID-19 vaccines for me?
- I stopped taking blood thinner tab acitrom 4mg three days before I took first dose of covishield vaccine When can I resume taking my acitrom tab after 1st dose of COVID vaccine
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- Is there any single dose vaccine for COVID-19 Unlike Covaccine and Covishield which are given in two doses?
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- What is the name of Russia’s first COVID-19 vaccine?
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