Yashoda Hospitals Hyderabad Gifts Wellness to Women

On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2021, Yashoda Hospitals Hyderabad has announced a ‘Free Women’s Wellness Health’ package especially for women police personnel and women doctors. The wellness package for women will be available from March 8th to 31st. For the general public, women can also avail the health package now just for Rs. 999/- (originally worth Rs 5210/-).
The package includes a Complete Blood Picture (CBP), ESR, random blood sugar, Thyroid Profile (T3, T4, TSH), complete urine examination, Pap smear along with Gynaecology consultation.
Dr. Pavan Gorukanti, Director of Yashoda Hospitals Hyderabad said, “The theme of International Women’s Day this year is ‘Women in Leadership: Achieving an equal future in a Covid-19 World’. We are celebrating the tremendous effort by women and girls around the world today in shaping a more equal future and recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. The package will include a Complete Blood Picture (CBP), ESR, random blood sugar, Thyroid Profile (T3, T4, TSH), complete urine examination, Pap smear along with Gynaecology consultation. If required, ultrasound abdomen and Pelvis and mammography tests also will be done based on the doctor’s advice”.
News Credits:
1. The Hindu- https://epaper.thehindu.com/Home/ShareArticle?OrgId=GSS8BL081.1
News Coverage:
- Telangana Today- https://telanganatoday.com/yashoda-hospitals-offers-health-package-for-female-covid-warriors
- Nava Telangana – https://epaper.navatelangana.com/3019898/Hyderabad/Hyderabad-08-03-2021#page/8/1
- Mana Telangana – https://epaper.manatelangana.news/3018972/Mana-Telangana-City-Main/08-03-2021#page/
- Andhra Jyothy – https://epaper.andhrajyothy.com/3018536/Hyderabad/07-03-2021#page/19/1
- Namasthe Telangana – https://epaper.ntnews.com/Home/ShareArticle?OrgId=d5a84757&imageview=1
- Prajapaksham – http://epaper.prajapaksham.in/epaper/edition/4522/prajapaksham-city-edition/page/2
- Vaartha – https://epaper.vaartha.com/3017957/Hyderabad/07-03-2021#page/2/2
- Disha – https://epaper.dishadaily.com/3018704/GREATER-HYDERABAD-TABLOID/07-03-2021#page/7/2
- United News of India- http://www.uniindia.com/news/south/health-telangana-yashoda/2338493.html#.YEbXDxRv0jg.whatsapp
- Times of India- https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/hyderabad/wellness-package-for-women/articleshow/81370285.cms
- Citizen’s Bee- https://www.citizensbee.com/india/hyderabad/health-packages-offered-to-female-covid-19-warriors-by-yashoda-hospitals-for-womens-day/