Shoulder Arthroscopy

Shoulder Arthroscopy is a surgical process that uses a small camera called an Arthroscope that is inserted through an incision to examine or repair the tissues present inside or around the shoulder. The Arthroscope is interpolated through a small cut (incision) in the skin.

This procedure is also known as Arthroscopic shoulder surgery.

Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad, have one of the best teams of Arthroscopic surgeons who have years of experience in treating patients successfully with shoulder related issues and giving them world-class treatment depending on the patient’s condition making us one of the best hospitals in Hyderabad.

Why is it performed?

Shoulder Arthroscopy is done to treat problems such as shoulder instability, in which the shoulder joint is loose and slides around too much or becomes dislocated. We, at Yashoda Hospital Hyderabad give the best care and treatment to our patients with the help of our team of best Arthroscopic surgeons and doctors in India giving our patients the best results to their problems.

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    Types of treatment

    The various types of shoulder surgery procedures are:

    • Frozen shoulder operation: During this procedure, the surgeon may also opt to remove the scar tissue or other adhesions present inside the shoulder joint.
    • SLAP tear: This process is performed to remove the torn part of the labrum and then reattaching it with sutures.
    • Shoulder bursitis: In this process, the surgeon removes the inflamed bursa of the shoulder.
    • Shoulder bone spurs: In this process, the extra bone growth is removed through Arthroscopy.

    The scope of the procedure is dependent on the type of shoulder condition the patient is suffering from.

    At Yashoda Hospitals Hyderabad, we provide our patients with world-class treatments and diagnostics facilities for people suffering from shoulder problems and we have given desirable results for the patients suffering from OsteoArthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, bad fall or trauma on one side of the shoulder. We have become one of the best hospitals by providing excellent services in the field of orthopedics.

    Risks & complications

    Shoulder Arthroscopy is done with minimal incision and hence the rate of risk is very less but in a few cases, patients may find some complications such as:

    • Infection
    • Excessive bleeding
    • Blood clots
    • Damage to blood vessels or nerves

    Recovery period

    It mostly takes around 6 weeks to recover completely.

    Facilities at Yashoda Hospitals

    Yashoda Hospitals Hyderabad is one of the best hospitals in India that offers comprehensive care, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with specialized orthopedic surgery treatment in India. We treat a wide range of orthopedic diseases that affect the shoulder, through a systemic and verified approach. Our team has years of experience in shoulder surgery and we promise the top care to all our patients in the city. Our dedicated approach makes us one of the best hospitals in Hyderabad. We are one of the first centers in the state to have full-fledged facilities that work round the clock. We treat our patients with minimal and affordable surgery costs in the state. With years of service, we have given the best and most desirable results to our patients with our impeccable services making us one of the topmost hospitals in India.

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