Hemorrhoids or Piles

Types, causes, symptoms, treatments and diet

What are hemorrhoids or piles?

Hemorrhoids, commonly known as piles, is a condition where the veins in the anus and lower rectum get swollen and dilated. Depending on their location, hemorrhoids may be classified as internal or external depending on whether inside the rectum or below the skin around the anus. Hemorrhoids are very common and roughly three out of four adults may have them at some point of time. Yashoda Hospitals provide some of the best treatment for piles in Hyderabad.

hemorrhoids or piles

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    What are the different types of hemorrhoids or piles?

    External Hemorrhoids:

    External hemorrhoids are the most common and uncomfortable type of hemorrhoids. Generally, they are found beneath the skin surrounding the anus. Swollen hemorrhoids cause itching and pain in and around the area. Eventually, they begin to bleed and form clots.

    Hemorrhoids accompanied with blood clots can suddenly cause severe pain. These lumps slowly dissolve leaving a skin tag behind that becomes itchy and irritated. A thrombosed (clot) hemorrhoid looks purple or blue and may bleed more. However, they resolve on their own. If the pain persists our doctors can help in removing the clot.

    Internal Hemorrhoids:

    Internal hemorrhoids develop in the inner lining of the rectum. They are typically painless and are not obvious unless enlarged. They silently bleed and you might spot blood stains on the toilet paper or dripping in the toilet. Internal hemorrhoids may prolapse (shift out of place) and extend outside the anus, which is painful to the sensitive areas.

    What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids or piles?

    Some common signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids are:

    • Bleeding without any pain while passing stools
    • Itching in the anal area
    • Pain or discomfort in the anal area
    • Presence of a sensitive or painful lump near the anus
    • Swelling around the anus

    What are the causes of hemorrhoids or piles?

    Stretching or pressure in the veins around the anus can cause them to bulge or swell leading to hemorrhoids. This may be due to:

    • Thinning of skin due to aging
    • Anal intercourse
    • Excess straining during passing stools
    • Long periods of sitting on the toilet seat
    • Low-fiber diet
    • Obesity
    • Pregnancy
    • Repeated episodes of diarrhea or constipation

    Who is at risk of hemorrhoids or piles?

    Chances of hemorrhoids or piles is high when you

    • Have a family history, especially your parents.
    • Experience postural pressure due to sitting for long hours or strained bowel movements can cause hemorrhoids.

    In case you are not sure of why you have piles, our doctors can explain why. Please use our 24/7 appointment helplines to consult an expert gastroenterologist at Yashoda Hospitals.

    What are the complications of hemorrhoids or piles?

    Complications of hemorrhoids are rare, which include:

    • Anemia due to blood loss for a long time.
    • Cutting off of the blood supply in internal hemorrhoid can lead to an extremely painful condition.

    When to see a doctor?

    While hemorrhoids in itself are generally not a serious condition, there are some other conditions which may also cause such bleeding and pain. In case of any symptoms like bleeding during passage of stools, consult your doctor or surgeon to confirm the diagnosis of hemorrhoids and rule out any other conditions or diseases.

    How are hemorrhoids or piles diagnosed?

    Your doctor or surgeon can diagnose hemorrhoids by:

    • A thorough medical history.
    • Physical examination: Visual inspection in case of external hemorrhoids is usually sufficient. Internal hemorrhoids are generally examined by inserting a gloved and lubricated finger in the rectum.
    • Visual/scopic inspection: It is done to visualise the colon and rectum for the diagnosis of internal hemorrhoids using an instrument called anoscope/proctoscope/sigmoidoscope.

    How are hemorrhoids or piles treated? Is laser hemorrhoid treatment right for me?

    Depending on the severity of hemorrhoids, the doctor will suggest the best option for you. Generally, hemorrhoids with mild bleeding and pain can be treated with easily available creams or ointments. Sometimes, the doctor may suggest some minimal procedures to resolve the hemorrhoids. These procedures generally do not require anesthesia and the patient can go home the same day.


    Hemorrhoids that cannot be managed with medications or other less invasive options may need to be removed with surgery. Removal of hemorrhoids is medically called as hemorrhoidectomy and is performed either by –

    • Surgical hemorrhoidectomy – Hemorrhoid is removed through the surgical incision. In some cases, hemorrhoids are also reduced by rubber band ligation. You may receive local anesthesia to numb the pain.
    • Laser hemorrhoidectomy – Laser hemorrhoidectomy or cauterization is a technique by which the swollen hemorrhoids are medically burnt, shrunken or The surgeon may use a narrow beam of the laser to focus only on hemorrhoid and not damage the nearby tissues. It is a safe procedure with minimal bleeding and a quick healing time. Other laser procedures available for piles include:
      • Hemorrhoidal LASER Procedure (HeLP): It is a minimally invasive laser surgery for hemorrhoids that does not require anesthesia. The procedure involves the identification of terminal branches of the rectal artery using Doppler, followed by photocoagulation of these branches using a LASER diode fiber (1470nm).
      • Laser hemorrhoidoplasty (LHP): Similar to HeLP, blood flow to the hemorrhoidal plexus is stopped by laser coagulation of branches of the rectal artery.
    • Stapled hemorrhoidectomy – Stapled hemorrhoidectomy is the process of cutting off the blood supply to hemorrhoid. Eventually, the swollen hemorrhoids die due to lack of blood. This procedure is effective in both prolapsed or normally placed hemorrhoids. This procedure offers lesser pain, lesser bleeding or itching, and faster recovery after surgery.
    • Infrared or electrical coagulation – The procedure works similar to staple Heat from the infrared beam creates scar tissue and cuts blood supply to hemorrhoids.

    The surgery for hemorrhoids can be done as an outpatient or a daycare based procedure. At Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad, piles surgery is conducted by experienced doctors to ensure the best outcome. Please visit our gastroenterologist page to find the nearest hemorrhoidectomy locations and fix an appointment now.

    What are the risks involved in hemorrhoidectomy?

    Hemorrhoidectomy is a safe, outpatient care service. When performed in sterile conditions by an expert surgeon, this procedure improves pain and discomfort from hemorrhoids without major risks.

    Possible risks involved in the process are:

    • Bleeding
    • Trouble peeing because of muscle spasm.
    • Fever or infection
    • Damage to anal sphincter and accidental bowel (gas) leaks
    • Reaction to anesthesia

    Which method of hemorrhoidectomy is right for me?

    Hemorrhoidectomy methods have almost similar success rates. Choosing the right method depends on availability of expert doctor, technology, cost and location. Compared to surgical incision, laser procedures are expensive but you can enjoy faster recovery, minimal bleeding and localised scarring.

    Talk to one of our doctors to make the right choice and safe hemorrhoid removal at one of our locations – Somajiguda, Secunderabad and Malakpet. Discuss with our doctors so you know what procedures they have done the most and the outcomes so far. This also helps you to make the right choice.

    What to expect after hemorrhoidectomy?

    Bleeding – The hemorrhoids bleed slightly and stops in 7 to 10 days from the day of procedure.

    Pain – You may experience mild pain after the procedure. You may use slitz (warm) water bath for 15 minutes to ease pain.

    Talk to your doctor about managing the pain and bleeding till recovery. Continue to use stool softners as suggested by the doctor. This will ease pain when you poop and also enable faster healing and avoid complications of further hemorrhoids.

    Usually patients recover within 2 weeks, but to feel completely normal you may need 3 – 6 weeks. Look out for excessive bleeding, fever or infection, unable to pee or poop, if any talk to your doctor as you may need immediate attention.

    What is the cost of hemorrhoidectomy in Hyderabad?

    Patients with hemorrhoids or piles are best managed at gastroenterology division and by experienced gastroenterologists and surgeons. Check with your insurance provider if you are eligible for the coverage. In general, the cost of hemorrhoidectomy in Hyderabad ranges between 59,000/- and 1,10,000/-. The actual cost may vary depending upon:

    • Depending on the choice of surgical procedures
    • Use of stapler
    • Hospital infrastructure and technology used
    • Availability of skilled surgeons and advanced techniques
    • Length of hospital stay and category of room opted

    To know more about surgery for hemorrhoids, you can request for a call back and our experts will call you and answer all your queries.

    How can hemorrhoids or piles be prevented and managed?

    Most effective way to prevent and manage hemorrhoids is to avoid hard stools. Some of the precautions that can be taken to prevent hemorrhoids include:

    • Eating a high-fibre diet
    • Drinking plenty of fluids
    • Avoiding straining during defecation
    • Avoiding holding stools for long
    • Exercising regularly
    • Avoiding long periods of sitting, especially on the toilet seat

    Mild hemorrhoids can be managed with prescribed hemorrhoid creams and suppositories. Ice packs help in reducing pain and swelling.

    To know more about best treatment and surgery for hemorrhoids in Hyderabad, you can request for a call back and our experts will call you and answer all your queries.


    Disclaimer: The content of this publication has been developed by a third party content provider who is clinicians and/or medical writers and/or experts. The information contained herein is for educational purpose only and we request you to please consult a Registered Medical Practitioner or Doctor before deciding the appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan.

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