what is Sputum Culture test?

Been prescribed a sputum culture test by the doctor? Read on to know more about the basic information about the test. Simply put, the sputum culture test is performed to identify the growth of any bacteria or virus in the lungs and/or the air passages. Non-invasive, the test is painless and has no side effects. Book your appointment now to get a free consultation with our team of expert doctors.

The sputum culture test is the culture and observation of mucus or phlegm, that is obtained from the lungs or the throat. For a healthy person, there is no detection of bacteria or virus in the sputum, but for people suffering from respiratory diseases, the sputum culture test is essential in determining the nature of the infection and prescribing the correct medication. Additionally, the sputum culture test is helpful for identifying the early stages of tuberculosis. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

The most common reason why your doctor may prescribe a sputum culture test for you is, he/she suspects that your lungs have been infected with a harmful bacterial or fungal infection. It can also help determine the overall health of your bronchi (structures inside your lungs) as well as the functioning capacity of your lungs.

At the diagnostic lab, your sputum may change in colour over a few days. Although you will not be able to observe this, it is helpful to know what each colour means. 

  • Clear - Normal
  • White - Normal but too much in quantity can be worrisome. 
  • Yellow/green - Bacterial infection
  • Brown - Too much smoking
  • Pink - Pulmonary oedema
  • Red - Lung cancer

The test results of a sputum culture could determine whether you are suffering from an infection in your lungs or if you have any type of chronic lung condition that needs treatment. It is a completely non-invasive test and is recommended for everyone whenever there is an increased chance of contracting any respiratory disease.

When providing a sample for a sputum culture test, you will have to cough up any phlegm (or mucus) present in your lungs or airways into a collection tube. This sample is examined at a diagnostic lab by an experienced pathologist who mixes a chemical with the sample. This chemical promotes the growth of any microorganisms that may be present in your sputum.

Yes, viruses like Rhinovirus, Human bocavirus, and Human metapneumovirus are some of the most common types of viruses that can be found in a sputum culture test. Recent studies conducted on children have backed up the claim that sputum culture can indeed detect the presence of harmful viruses that can cause deadly respiratory diseases.

Normal sputum is sputum that has been passed out through the mouth. This sputum contains several different types of harmless bacteria that can be found inside your mouth. These bacteria include streptococcus and staphylococcus bacteria and no other harmful bacteria or fungi. Such a sputum culture test result is said to be negative.

You can usually find white blood cells in a sputum sample along with some harmless bacteria that live in your mouth and lungs. White blood cells in your sputum serve as antibodies that help fight off infectious germs. Some of the common bacteria found in a sputum sample are Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus, and Klebsiella species.

A sputum culture test result may take around 1 day to even several weeks to arrive. The time taken in sputum culture depends on the type of harmful bacteria your doctor suspects is present in your lungs. Some bacteria take just a few hours to show up, while others may take several weeks.

The best time to collect a sputum sample for culture is early in the morning, right after you wake up. Since your sputum accumulates different types of secretions from the lungs throughout the night, the sputum produced early in the morning has the highest chances of showing harmful bacteria present in your lungs, if any.

If you have been infected with Tuberculosis (TB), then the colour of your sputum (or phlegm) will most likely be green or red (which indicates a severe case of TB due to the presence of blood). If you find your sputum culture result showing these two colours, you should book an appointment at the earliest or opt for a free second opinion.


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