
What is the PET-CT Scan Test?

PET- CT scan or PET Scan is a Radiological test used to detect cancer. During the test a radioactive dye is injected into the bloodstream which helps to differentiate healthy and diseased cells. Abnormal or diseased cells consume more radioactive dye than normal cells. It is more effective than other tests as it captures malignancies in the early stages. 

PET scans show changes in the cells in real-time and hence can identify even minor changes in the cell structure and function. Due to this advantage, PET scans can detect cancers at an early stage and can improve treatment outcomes.



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      Frequently Asked Questions:

      What is the PET-CT scan test used for?

      A PET-CT scan is the test of choice to detect cancer of any part of the body. Other than identifying malignancies, the test results of PET-CT scan help to:

      • Detect if cancer has spread to other body parts
      • Evaluate the effectiveness of treatment given to cancer patients
      • Rule out heart diseases
      • Identify brain diseases (cancer and non-cancer related).

      How are the results of a PET-CT scan test understood?

      During the test a radioactive material is introduced into the body. Diseased cells take up more radioactive material in comparison to healthy cells and emit gamma rays. The scanner is programmed to capture images of all areas with high concentrations of radioactive material known as ‘Hot spots.’ These images are relayed to the computer and analysed by radiologists.

      Why do I need the PET-CT Scan test?

      A PET-CT scan uses radioactive material to detect cancer at an early stage. Your doctor may suggest a PET CT scan to:

      • Rule out cancers
      • Evaluate the spread of cancer
      • Check the effectiveness of cancer treatment and, if required, change treatment
      • Detect heart and brain disease
      • Check normal heart and brain functions

      What happens during the PET-CT scan test?

      During the test, a radioactive tracer is introduced into the body either through injection, swallowing, or inhalation. It takes 30 minutes for the tracer to be absorbed by the body after which the person is taken to a PET scanner. Once in the scanner, it takes another 20-30 minutes for the scanner to capture images of tissues as the tracer is absorbed by the cells.

      Why do a PET scan after a CT scan?

      PET-CT scans use radioactive tracers which helps identification of changes in cells and tissues earlier than any other conventional test including a CT scan alone. Due to this advantage, PET scans are often prescribed to reinforce or validate the test results of CT scans.

      Is a PET scan a CT scan?

      A PET scan or Positron Emission Tomography is different from a CT scan or Computerised Tomography scan. PET scans can detect changes in the cells even before the disease sets in and help to identify cancers at an earlier stage. CT scans show images of organs and tissues of the body. PET scans help to identify the stage of cancer.

      Is a PET-CT scan painful?

      No, PET-CT scans are not painful. During the test, a radioactive tracer is introduced into the body either via injection, swallowing, or inhalation. Once the tracer is in the body, the person is taken for scanning. For successful imaging, the person must stay still in the scanner. The procedure usually lasts for 30-40 minutes.

      What cancer does a PET scan detect?

      PET scans can identify cancers of any part of the body. There are no major side effects of the test, but it is best to take advice from your physician before planning a PET scan. Some common cancers that can be detected by PET scanning are brain cancers, breast cancer, skin cancers, thyroid cancers, etc.

      Is a pet scan more accurate than a CT scan?

      Yes, PET scans are far more accurate than CT scans. A PET scan is able to detect changes in cell function at a very early stage. Additional advantages of PET scan include:

      • Identifying the best area for biopsy
      • Evaluating the stage of cancer
      • Checking for new cancer growths
      • Planning radiotherapy

      What is the difference between CT scan and PET scan?

      CT scans use digital X-ray detectors and provide still images of tissue and cells of the body. PET scans use a radioactive tracer and a scanner which is programmed to collect real-time images of the tissues and cells of the body. A PET scanner captures the images of the organ as it is functioning in real-time.


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