What is a Colour Doppler test?

The Colour Doppler test is a diagnostic technique that creates an image from sound waves. It provides information about the speed, movement and direction of blood flow. Your doctors will use this test to check for blockages and clots in your blood vessels. This is not possible with conventional ultrasonography as it fails to show blood flow. In the colour doppler test, no dye is injected into your body. Thus, making this a safe and convenient test. The colour doppler test is based on the Doppler effect. This test measures the sound waves reflected from moving objects like red blood cells to create images of blood flow.

How to understand the test results of the Colour Doppler Test?

The Colour Doppler test uses a computer to convert sound waves into an image. The image will show different colours indicating the direction and flow of blood. These images will be sent to your doctor, who will interpret the result.  Irregularities in the images can indicate a blood clot or blockage. Your doctor will use the results of this test to decide on a treatment plan for you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You may need a doppler test if you have symptoms of DVT like swelling and pain in your leg. People who have had a stroke or suffering from blood flow disorder can also be asked to get this test done. You may need this test if you are suspected of heart disease or reduced blood flow. The narrowing of your blood vessels can cause conditions like a peripheral arterial disease. PAD can be detected with the colour doppler test.

During the test, you will lie down on a table. A technician will apply a gel to the area to be tested. Then he will move or press a device known as a transducer against the area to be examined. The transducer will send sound waves. The movement of your red blood cells will change the pitch of these waves. These changes in the waves will be recorded and then converted by a computer into images for analysis.

Your doctor may recommend a colour doppler test to check the blood flow of your unborn baby during pregnancy. This is usually done if the baby is smaller in size than expected at a particular stage of pregnancy. Sometimes, this can also be done if the mother has certain health problems like, Conditions like preeclampsia and sickle cell disease may require a doppler test to check the baby’s health.

The Colour Doppler test is a non-invasive imaging test. This makes it a painless technique to check the blood flow in your body. It doesn't require any dyes to be injected into your body for X-ray imaging. The technician will use a transducer which is a safe device. It will be pressed against the area to be examined to generate sound waves. These are then converted to images electronically. Thus, the test doesn’t have any side effects.

The colour doppler test is safe for the baby when used by a trained [professional to check for the baby’s heartbeat. Mothers shouldn’t use this at home as they are not trained to analyse the sound waves. False interpretation can also cause panic. Until now, no injurious effects of the doppler test have been found on the baby.

The doppler colour test is commonly used to monitor blood circulation in the body. This helps to check for poor blood circulation, which could indicate conditions like deep vein thrombosis. The symptoms of bad circulation in the legs include swelling, ulcers, heaviness in the feet and legs, tingling, numbness, split skin and discolouration of the skin.

The colour doppler test is usually performed in the third trimester of pregnancy. This is done to check the placental blood flow, which carries the nutrients required by the baby. It is recommended in cases where the mother has high blood pressure or other ailments.  It doesn’t require any special preparation. This is like a regular ultrasound but may take more time than the regular one.

You may need to remove jewellery and clothing from the area to be tested. You should also avoid consuming nicotine at least two hours before the test as it narrows the blood vessels. Otherwise, this may compromise your test results. You may be asked to fast for a few hours before the test in certain doppler tests. Your doctor will instruct you if any other preparations have to be made.

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