How to treat Acute Ischemic stroke using Intra-arterial Thrombolytic Therapy effectively?
Strokes are classified into two - ischemic and hemorrhagic. When the blood supply is stopped to a part of the brain an ischemic stroke may occur. Usually, a blood clot in the blood vessel is the cause for Ischemic stroke. Ischemic strokes may occur due to, Build up of...
Cancer: Haplo-identical Stem Cell Transplants – A revolution in Bone Marrow Transplantation
Different types of cancer affect the bone marrow cells. The growth of cancerous cells of the bone marrow is evident as anemia, bleeding and susceptibility to infections. The stem cells in the bone marrow produce different blood cells - red blood cells, white blood...
Benefits of Minimally Invasive Cardiac Bypass Surgery (MICS)
Minimally invasive surgery, an innovation of the recent times, makes the surgical procedures less traumatic. The minimally invasive Heart Bypass Surgery or Cardiac surgery (MICS) is different to the conventional cardiac surgeries where the breast bone is split into...
Spinal stenosis – Narrowing on Narrow Spaces of Your Spine
Spinal stenosis is a condition in which space gets narrowed in the vertebral column. This causes pain and pressure in the nerves and on the backbone. The pain is due to the compression of the root nerves. Pain in the back and leg will be experienced due to this...
Setting right the Curvature of the Spine
Scoliosis is a condition in which there is sideways curvature in the normal straight vertical line of the spine. Scoliosis mostly occurs during growth spurt before puberty and is twice common in girls than boys. Symptoms There are no visible symptoms in this...
Tennis Elbow – Prompt diagnosis can have a huge impact on the prognosis
Tennis elbow, also referred to as lateral epicondylitis, is a condition wherein pain occurs while overusing the muscles in your elbow.
Compartment Syndrome can be acute (severe injury) or chronic (athletic exertion).
Compartment Syndrome is a condition wherein pressure builds up inside the human body in any of its enclosed spaces. This condition may arise due to swelling or bleeding post an injury. Frequently, it occurs in spaces in the leg or arm. Compartment syndrome may be...
Esophageal spasm – Appears occasional, may turn as chronic pain
Esophageal spasm is the disorder when one faces abnormal contractions of the muscles. Muscles in the esophagus (the tube which carries food from the mouth to the stomach) gets narrowed down and gets limited space and develops into spasms and hence the food cannot pass...
GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) may lead to Barrett’s esophagus
Barrettªs esophagus is a medical condition in which the tissue lining of the esophagus is replaced by the tissue similar to that of the lining of the intestine. The esophageal tissue lining is damaged by stomach acid. This condition is a complication of gastro...
Ameloblastoma – A rare disorder of the jaw involving abnormal tissue growth
Ameloblastoma is an unusual disorder of the jaw involving the abnormal growth of a tissue. Mostly, the tumors get surfaced in the jaw surrounding the molars. It has the capacity to hit the tissues and sinuses surrounding the eye sockets. In a majority of occasions,...