Phenergan - Uses - Dosages - Side Effects - Precautions

Phenergan: Frequently Asked Questions Answered

What is Phenergan?

Phenergan is a popular antihistamine that works by blocking the production of histamine in the body during an allergic reaction. It acts directly on certain parts of the brain and has a calming effect on the body. However, it is not considered safe for use in children below 6 years.
Phenergan belongs to a common category of drugs called phenothiazines which act by altering the actions of certain chemicals in the brain.

What are the uses of Phenergan?

Phenergan is primarily used in the treatment of vomiting and nausea during or after surgery and motion sickness. It is also used as an anti-allergen to treat symptoms of allergy such as itching, redness, rashes, and runny nose. Phenergan has a calming effect. Thus, it can also help to induce sleep before and after a surgery. It is sometimes used in conjunction with opioid painkillers to help them work better.

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What are the side effects of Phenergan?

As mentioned, one of Phenergan’s main uses is to induce sleep. However, as it can impair a person’s thinking and judgment, take extreme precautions before and while using it. Avoid taking Phenergan if you are driving as you are required to stay awake and alert.

It is wise to consult with your doctor when taking Phenergan. It is known to interact with other over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, minerals, and some herbal products.

What is Phenergan

Uses of Phenergan

Side effects of Phenergan


Frequently Asked Questions about Phenergan

1. Does Phenergan make you sleepy?

Yes. Phenergan is often used as a mild sedative and can induce sleep especially before and after a surgery. Consume it in moderation. An overdose can bring about adverse symptoms such as excessive sleepiness or drowsiness, weakness, fainting, weak breathing, and loss of coordination. In severe cases, patients can also get seizures or convulsions.

2. Can you take Phenergan while pregnant?

There have been no conclusive studies on the adverse effects of Phenergan on pregnant women. However, it should only be prescribed if the doctor feels that its benefit to the pregnant mother outweighs the risk. Some experts feel it is best to avoid taking Phenergan two weeks before delivery due to its symptoms of irritability and excitement in pregnant women.

3. How long does it take for Phenergan to work?

Phenergan starts acting on the body around 20 minutes after it is ingested. The initial effects include drowsiness and sleepiness. The medicine may work for up to 12 hours. People who take Phenergan for cough and cold find immediate relief within 30 minutes after taking the first dose. The next dose should be repeated after 6 hours.

4. Can you take Phenergan and Zofran together?

It is advised to not take Phenergan and Zofran together, as this can increase the risk of cardiovascular problems such as an irregular heartbeat. While this is a rare side effect, it can be potentially fatal. People with existing heart conditions and electrolyte disturbances are advised to not take these medicines together.

5. Does Phenergan cause constipation?

Yes. Phenergan is known to cause mild constipation. While on this medication, and in general, adopt a diet high in fiber such as fruits and vegetables to avoid constipation. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water to loosen stools. If the symptoms persist, you may consult a doctor who can prescribe a safe laxative to alleviate them.

6. Is Phenergan a narcotic?

Phenergan contains an opioid that is classified as a narcotic. This is often prescribed in the treatment of cough. If taken regularly over a while, the drug can become addictive and habit-forming. It is therefore a wise move to ask a doctor to prescribe and regulate the dosages, to prevent side effects like addiction.

7. Is promethazine the same as Phenergan?

Yes. Promethazine is the name of the chemical behind Phenergan. Phenergan is the brand name of the drug. It is a commonly used antihistamine used to treat allergic symptoms and reduce conditions like nausea and vomiting. During surgery, promethazine is given as Phenergan to relax, calm, and sedate the patient.

8. Does Phenergan help with diarrhea?

Phenergan is commonly used to treat nausea and vomiting caused by certain conditions such as motion sickness and post-surgery anesthesia effects. It has no direct impact on diarrhea, but it can ease diarrhea-related symptoms in the stomach such as acute vomiting. Patients have reported their stomachs feeling instantly better after taking Phenergan.

9. How much Phenergan can you take?

For adults, the average Phenergan dose is about 25 mg taken twice daily. For travel, the first dose should be taken at least one hour before commuting and repeated 8-12 hours later, in case of continuous travel. In other cases, one dose is taken on rising and one in the evening or after dinner.

10. Is Phenergan safe in pregnancy?

There is no direct link of adverse effects of Phenergan on pregnant women. However, many doctors prescribe it during C-section surgeries to reduce maternal anxiety. It can also be given to treat nausea and vomiting. However, all pregnant women must consult their practitioner before taking the drug to avoid any side effects. Do not self-medicate in these instances.



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      Disclaimer: The information provided herein is accurate, updated and complete as per the best practices of the Company. Please note that this information should not be treated as a replacement for physical medical consultation or advice. We do not guarantee the accuracy and the completeness of the information so provided. The absence of any information and/or warning to any drug shall not be considered and assumed as an implied assurance of the Company. We do not take any responsibility for the consequences arising out of the aforementioned information and strongly recommend you for a physical consultation in case of any queries or doubts.