
Liver Biopsy Cost in India

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  • 700+ specialists across 62 medical specialties providing expert care
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  • Minimally invasive procedures for faster recovery and comfort
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      Get Your Custom Liver Biopsy Cost

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       Liver Biopsy at Yashoda Hospitals

      The liver is the largest internal organ, weighing around 3 pounds in an adult, which supports immunity, digestion, detoxification, metabolism, and vitamin storage, among other processes. Any condition that damages the liver and affects its capacity to function is called liver disease; if left untreated, it can result in serious, irreversible liver damage; therefore, proper diagnosis plays an important role in preventing such complications. 

      Biopsy is the gold standard method for diagnosing several liver diseases, determining the severity of pre-existing conditions, and tracking the effectiveness of treatments. 

      At Yashoda Hospitals, we offer a wide range of liver treatments to treat various liver ailments and liver-related diseases. Our liver specialists work tirelessly to offer exceptional services and care, aiming for the highest level of precision and excellence in every diagnosis and treatment. We are equipped with the latest in medical technology and highly experienced doctors who are experts in performing biopsies, mostly using minimally invasive techniques for better clinical outcomes.

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      What’s the liver biopsy cost in India?

      Depending on the various factors, such as type of liver biopsy, duration of hospital stay, expertise of the surgeon, etc., the cost of a liver biopsy can vary from Rs. 1500 to Rs. 45,000. It costs approximately Rs. 36,000.

      Needle Biopsy cost in IndiaRs. 1,500 - 9,000
      Surgical Biopsy Cost in IndiaRs. 9,500 - 45,000

      Why Choose Yashoda Hospital for Liver Biopsy?

      Yashoda Hospitals in Hyderabad, India, is a leading option for liver biopsy due to its top-notch team, cutting-edge technology, and comprehensive care.  

      Dedicated Team: Our dedicated team of renowned hepatologists and other specialists, including radiologists and pathologists, ensures the holistic well-being of the patient. 

      Cutting-edge Technology: Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and advanced medical equipment, our facility provides the perfect setting for precise and accurate biopsy procedures.

      Comprehensive Care:  We offer comprehensive care for a variety of liver diseases, which include hepatitis, fatty liver, cirrhosis, and chronic liver cancers.

      Dedicated Surgical Care: Our dedicated surgical care team is committed to guiding you through every step of your biopsy technique

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      Who needs a liver biopsy?

      • An individual with liver blood test (SGOT, SGPT) abnormalities 
      • An individual with chronic viral hepatitis
      • An individual with heavy alcohol use who is susceptible to alcohol liver disease.
      • An individual with unexplained jaundice.
      • An individual with susceptibility to liver cancer
      • In liver transplant patients to check for rejections or any other issues.
      • Individuals with liver disease treatment to understand the effectiveness of the therapy & the liver condition post-therapy.

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      Types of liver biopsies:

      Percutaneous (needle biopsy): This is the most common type of biopsy, in which a tissue sample is taken by inserting a small needle through the skin into the liver.

      Transjugular Biopsy: Usually performed on patients who are experiencing abdominal bleeding, this procedure involves passing a biopsy needle through a vein in the neck and guiding it to the liver.

      Laparoscopic Biopsy: A laparoscopic liver biopsy involves making a tiny incision and using a camera-assisted tool to view the liver while taking tissue samples.

      Surgical Biopsy: A surgical biopsy can be performed during laparoscopic or open abdominal surgery. 

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      Factors Affecting the Cost of Liver Biopsy:

      • Type of the hospital.
      • Expertise of the surgeon.
      • Pre- & postoperative costs.
      • Type of Procedure.
      • Anesthesia fee.
      • Pathologist’s fee.
      • Cost of the accommodated room. 
      • Existing illness if any has to be treated.
      • Insurance Coverage
      • Follow-up Appointments.

      Postoperative care:

      • Keep your incision area clean & dry.
      • Contact your doctor if you notice any symptoms, such as swelling and pain at the incision site, along with chest discomfort and breathing difficulties.
      • Avoid heavy lifting & strenuous activities for several weeks.
      • Take your medications as directed by your physician.
      • Regular follow-up

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      Total knee replacement Surgery Cost in Hyderabad, India

      Make an informed decision about the liver biopsy cost in India

      The cost of a liver biopsy can vary based on several factors, including the type of procedure, the length of hospital stay, postoperative care, etc. Selecting the right hospital that offers quality care with early diagnosis using minimally invasive procedures is very crucial to experiencing quality treatment.

      At Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad, our expert team of gastroenterologists, radiologists, and technicians ensures the most accurate and timely diagnosis and treatment procedures for various liver diseases, delivering comprehensive care even for the most challenging cases with expertise and advanced infrastructural facilities.

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