
Media - Gallery

  • 16th Oct, 2023

    Yashoda Hospital Created Record By Lung Transplant

  • 15th Oct, 2023

    Rare Double Lungs Transplantation Surgery at Yashoda Hospitals Secunderabad

  • 15th Oct, 2023

    Yashoda Hospital Created Record By Double Lung Transplant

  • 15th Oct, 2023

    Yashoda Hospital Doctors Perform Successful Double Lung Transplant

  • 15th Oct, 2023

    Double Lung Transplantation

  • 15th Oct, 2023

    Yashoda Hospital Doctors Perform Double Lung Transplant Successfully

  • 15th Oct, 2023

    Double Lung Transplantation

  • 15th Oct, 2023

    Double Lung Transplantation

  • 15th Oct, 2023

    Yashoda Hospital Created Record By Double Lung Transplant

  • 15th Oct, 2023

    Yashoda Hospitals Record : Successfully Completed Double Lung Transplant

  • 15th Oct, 2023

    Double Lung Transplant

  • 15th Oct, 2023

    Double Lung Transplantation

  • 28th Sep, 2023

    Health File- Dr. V. Rajasekhar

  • 25th Sep, 2023

    Reasons and Treatment For Abdominal Pain

  • 22nd Sep, 2023

    Latest Advances In Endoscopic Spine Surgery

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