
What is Luteinizing Hormone Test?

The luteinizing hormone (LH) test quantifies the level of LH in the blood. LH is synthesized from the pituitary gland, which is present underneath the brain. LH has a significant role in the functioning and sexual development of a person. In males, it affects the testes, and in females, it affects the ovaries. LH is involved in pregnancy, puberty, and ovulation, and their levels vary during different phases of the cycle. In males, it is involved in sperm production. The LH test enables the doctor to identify whether there are problems associated with the male and female reproductive systems. The LH usually works together with another hormone called follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and controls sexual functions, so these two tests are commonly ordered together.

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      Frequently Asked Questions:

      Why do I need the LH Test?

      Females need LH test in the following cases:

      • Unable to conceive after 12 months of trying
      • Irregular menstrual cycle
      • Identify menopause or perimenopause 

      In the case of men, the LH test is required when they are unable to get their partner pregnant after 12 months of trying and reduction in sexual drive. For both genders, LH is recommended if they experience fatigue, decrease in appetite, and weight loss. In children, early or late onset of puberty warrants a need for an LH test.

      Understanding the test results of LH (Luteinizing Hormone) Test

      In females, a high LH value indicates ovulation problems, polycystic ovary syndrome, Turner syndrome, and a low level indicates malfunctioning of the pituitary gland, malnutrition, and eating disorder.

      In males, a high LH level indicates testicle damage due to alcohol abuse, infection, or chemotherapy, and the presence of Klinefelter's syndrome whereas, a low LH level indicates pituitary or hypothalamus disorder.

      In children, a high LH and FSH level indicates that puberty is about to start or has already started, if this happens before nine or ten years of age, it might be indicative of a brain injury or central nervous system disorder. Low levels of FSH and LH indicate delayed onset of puberty in children.

      What happens during the LH Test?

      The LH test is conducted by testing the blood of the patient. For this purpose, the blood samples are collected using a small needle from the patient's vein in the upper arm.

      What happens when LH levels are high?

      In females, the rise in LH triggers ovulation and also progesterone levels. However, too high LH is associated with polycystic ovary syndrome and infertility.

      Further, high levels of LH cause early puberty, poor sperm morphology as well as motility, and indicate damaged testicles.

      When should LH be tested?

      In the case of females who have not gone through menopause, the LH test is usually planned between the 12th and 16th day of the menstrual cycle. Those females trying to conceive are advised to test twice during their fertile window of the menstrual cycle. The LH tests during the afternoon periods help identify the highest surge of one's LH levels for both males and females.

      What should your LH level be to get pregnant?

      The 1.09-9.2 IU/L LH level during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle is normal, and the chances of pregnancy during this period are higher.

      Can you ovulate while LH is high?

      LH surge is necessary for ovulation, and it indicates either the occurrence or approach of ovulation in females.

      How can I raise my LH levels?

      Through medication therapy and dietary supplements, one can enhance their LH levels. This includes Menotropins injection, and drug therapy varies according to the cause of low LH level and if pregnancy is desired.

      During infertility, along with LH supplementation, other infertility treatment methods will also be suggested by the doctor. Food items such as flaxseeds, oysters, and salmon can help improve LH levels.

      What is the normal LH level?

      The normal LH level varies according to the gender, and phases of the menstrual cycle. In men, the normal LH level is 1.42-15.4 IU/L. In females, the normal LH during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle is 1.37-9 IU/L, the midcycle peak is 6.17-17.2 IU/L, the luteal phase is 1.09-9.2 IU/L. In postmenopausal women, the normal LH range is 19.3-100.6 IU/L. The values can slightly change across laboratories.

      What foods increase luteinizing hormone?

      Food items that can increase LH levels include salmon, chia seeds, oysters, walnuts, avocado, cinnamon, cashews, almond, and flaxseeds.

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