
What is the Double Marker Test?

One diagnostic procedure is the double marker test, which entails giving blood to be screened for signs of some chromosomal issues.  The ultrasonography is used to perform the double marker test, and the findings are typically divided into two categories, screen positive and screen negative. 

The test’s findings are influenced not only by the blood samples taken but also by the mother’s age and the age of the fetus, as seen during the ultrasound. It’s also worth noting that the first-trimester screening only checks for Down syndrome, trisomy 13, and trisomy 18 markers, not anything else.

What is the Double Marker Test used for?

A Double Marker Test is a test used to identify whether the fetus has any chromosomal abnormalities. This test is crucial for detecting any neurological problems in the fetus, such as Down’s syndrome or Edward’s Syndrome.

In the first several months of pregnancy, a Double Marker Test (also known as a Maternal Serum Screen) is much recommended. During pregnancy, it is one of the most significant maternal screening tests.

Understanding the Double Marker Test Results

The Double Marker Test results are classified as screen positive and screen negative and are presented in the form of ratios. A ratio of 1:10 to 1:250 is termed ‘screen positive,’ which is highly dangerous for both the mother and the developing foetus. Whereas, a ratio of 1:1000 or above is termed ‘screen negative,’ which is a safe result that poses fewer risks.



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      Frequently Asked Questions:

      Why do I need a Double Marker Test?

      It aids in determining whether the unborn child is at risk of developing a mental illness. It is mostly used to screen for Down syndrome. Trisomy 18, which causes mental retardation and serious birth abnormalities, can also be detected with the Double Marker Test. It's also useful for detecting Trisomy 21.

      What is the Double Marker Test procedure?

      A Double Marker Blood Test includes taking a blood sample and an ultrasound test. This test looks for two markers such as beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG) and pregnancy-associated plasma protein A levels in the blood (PAPP-A).

      In a typical pregnancy, female fetuses will have 22 pairs of XX chromosomes, whereas male fetuses would have 22 pairs of XY chromosomes. When there is an aberration in chromosomes, this results in an abnormality.

      How accurate is a Double Marker Test?

      The double marker test can aid in the early detection of certain illnesses such as Down syndrome and Edwards syndrome. This test is frequently recommended since it is a fairly accurate way of detecting problems. It has a sensitivity of only approximately 70%.

      The results of the tests are used to determine if there is a low, moderate, or high risk of abnormalities. The NT scan is less successful in detecting probable abnormalities when conducted without the double marker test.

      A Double Marker Test is performed in which week of pregnancy?

      Pregnant women over 35 years of age are at increased risk of delivering a baby with chromosomal abnormalities. However, it is recommended that all women get tested for pre-birth anomalies during pregnancy between 10 and 13 weeks.

      Is the Double Marker Test compulsory?

      The first-trimester screening, which includes a double marker test and an NT scan, is optional. However, if you're over 35 years or have a high risk of chromosomal abnormalities, such as if you have a family history of specific diseases, screening tests are suggested.

      How much time does it take for the Double Marker Test?

      Generally, you could expect to receive your findings in 3 to 7 days. You should check with your clinic or physician to see if they will contact you or if you should call to receive your results.

      Why is the Double Marker Test performed during pregnancy?

      A Double Marker Test is used to identify whether or not the fetus has any chromosomal abnormalities. This test is particularly important for detecting any neurological problems in the fetus, such as Down syndrome or Edwards Syndrome. It's essential to keep in mind that the result simply indicates your baby is at risk for trisomies.

      Is NIPT and Double Marker Test the same?

      NIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening Test) and  Double Marker Test are different.  

      • NIPT is a DNA test that uses maternal blood to screen for the most common fetal chromosomal defects, including trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome), and trisomy 13. (Patau syndrome).
      • The double marker test is a screening blood test for pregnancy. It is usually taken within 9 to 13 weeks. When a double marker test is used with an NT scan, it produces a result that uses a high risk or low risk for chromosomal abnormalities, particularly for Down syndrome or trisomies.

      What is the Double marker test normal range?

      Irrespective of age groups, the Double Marker Test normal values for hCG in pregnant women lie within the range of 25,700 to 2,88,000 mIU/mL and indicate the fetus is healthy.

      Reach us! Get a free second medical opinion about the Double Marker Test  by consulting our experts at Yashoda Hospitals.


      1. Liteanu, Andreea & Mihhùan, Marius & Artenie, Vlad. (2010). The importance of the double test in the identification of high-risk pregnancies for chromosomal diseases development. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265533702_The_importance_of_the_double_test_in_identification_of_high_risk_pregnancies_for_chromosomal_diseases_development
      2. Abdel Dayem, Tamer & El-agwany, Ahmed & Soliman, Tarek & Kholief, Ali & El-Sawy, Mohammed. (2015). Double marker test and uterine Doppler in cases with hyperemesis gravidarum. Evidence-Based Womenʼs Health Journal. 5. 134-139. 10.1097/01.EBX.0000466751.03382.4a. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281352102_Double_marker_test_and_uterine_Doppler_in_cases_with_hyperemesis_gravidarum

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