
What is the CK-MB test?

The CK-MB test measures the concentration of creatine kinase in the blood. 

The enzyme creatine kinase has three isozymes: CK-MM, CK-MB, and CK-BB. CK-MB is found predominantly in the heart and in small amounts in the skeletal muscles. CK-MB is released from the muscle cells into the blood during muscle damage. Blood has low levels of CK-MB, therefore an increase in CK-MB levels is indicative of heart damage. Your doctor can easily find the source of injury by using a CK-MB test. As CK-MB is present in many tissues, a high level of CK-MB could indicate many problems.

What is the normal range of CK-MB?

The CK-MB normal range for adults is 24U/L, and the CK value is >190 U/L (men) and >167U/L (women). If someone is suffering from myocardial infarction, the CK-MB activity is in a range of 6-25% of the CK(total) activity. The heart is said to be damaged if the ratio of CK-MB total CK >2.5-3.



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      Frequently Asked Questions:

      What is the CK-MB Test used for?

      Your doctor may use a CK-MB test as a follow-up to the detection of an increased level of creatine kinase. It determines whether the increase was due to heart or skeletal damage. Earlier, doctors used the CK-MB tests to only detect heart attacks. But, troponin tests are more specific to heart damage and have replaced CK-MB tests. Sometimes, your doctor may use a CK-MB test to detect heart attack if troponin tests are unavailable.

      Understanding the test results of the CK-MB Test

      Your doctor will provide the correct interpretation of your results. Discuss the test results with your healthcare provider before making any conclusions. The test results will vary depending on the sex, age, and health history. A high level of CK-MB indicates that you may have heart problems like myocarditis and pericarditis. It could also indicate that you have had a heart attack. Sometimes, a high CK-MB level can also occur because of chest trauma or damage elsewhere in the body.

      Why do I need the CK-MB Test?

      The CK-MB test is not a routine diagnostic test. An elevated CK can prompt your doctor to get you tested for CK-MB. The CK-MB test will help determine whether there is damage to your heart or other parts of the body. This test is needed if you have symptoms like muscle pain, numbness, and weakness.

      What is the CK-MB Test procedure?

      The CK-MB blood test requires a blood sample. Your doctor will use a small needle to collect blood from your vein in the arm. The blood will then be collected and stored in a small vial or test tube till further analysis. This process takes only a few minutes. It may hurt a bit when the needle is inserted or taken out.

      When should CK-MB be tested?

      You will have to get a CK-MB test done if you have muscle pain, weakness, numbness, and balance problems. These symptoms indicate a muscle disorder. Healthcare providers also recommend a CK-MB test for stroke or other muscle injuries. The CK-MB levels take almost two days to rise. Thus, you may not get a result in one go and have to undergo testing multiple times. But this test will help the doctor determine heart damage.

      Is CK-MB cardiac-specific?

      CK-MB is present in high amounts in the heart muscles. However, small quantities of CK-MB are present in skeletal muscles and other body parts. Thus, it is not only specific to the heart.

      How long does it take for CK-MB levels to rise?

      The CK-MB test assesses myocardial infarction. In myocardial infarction, the levels of CK-MB rise in the serum. It can rise to a peak in about 16-30 hours. But CK-MB disappears at a much faster rate than CK. CK-MB returns to normal CK-MB levels after 24 to 36 hours compared to CK that remains in the serum for up to 60 hours.

      What does CK-MB measure?

      CK-MB test measures the creatine kinase-MB levels of an isozyme of the enzyme creatine kinase. CK-MB is high in the heart and small amounts in the skeletal muscles. CK-MB is released into the blood when muscles are damaged, determining the source of the damage.

      How should I prepare for the test?

      No special preparation is required for the test. Sometimes your doctor may prescribe some other blood tests along with CK-MB. These include kidney function tests and electrolyte panels. Apart from blood tests, your doctor may also advise troponin tests, cardiac CT, and angiography.

      What is a high CK-MB level?

      The CK–MB normal value lies between 3 and 5% (percentage of total CK) or 5 and 25 IU/L. CK-MB is a heart muscle enzyme that is released into the bloodstream when the heart muscle is damaged or injured. Elevated CK-MB levels in the blood can indicate a heart attack or other heart-related conditions.

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