
What is Chlamydia Test?

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease that affects the urinary tract of a person and can lead to serious complications if left untreated. Chlamydia is caused by a bacterial infection spread through sexual transmission from an infected person or through exposure to genital fluids of an infected person. A chlamydia test is done by taking a urine sample or a swab of the infected area. 

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      Frequently Asked Questions:

      What is a chlamydia test used for?

      A chlamydia test is used for the diagnosis of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) called chlamydia. Chlamydia mostly infects the urinary tract; however, it may also affect the throat and eyes. The doctor may order a chlamydia test for the following symptoms:

      1. Pelvic pain
      2. Pain in genitals
      3. Pain during urination and sexual intercourse
      4. Vaginal discharge
      5. Rectal bleeding

      Understanding the test result of the chlamydia test?

      Chlamydia test is conducted either by a urine sample or by a swab sample of the genitals. The test result is either positive or negative. A positive test result means that the patient is suffering from chlamydia infection, and should consult a doctor for further course of treatment. A negative result means that the patient is not suffering from chlamydia infection.

      Why do I need a chlamydia test?

      A chlamydia test is used to determine whether a patient is suffering from a sexually transmitted disease chlamydia or not. A doctor may consult a chlamydia test for the following symptoms:

      1. Pain in urination or sexual intercourse
      2. Pain in genitals
      3. Rectal pain and bleeding
      4. Vaginal discharge
      5. Pelvic pain

      A doctor may also order a chlamydia test if a patient has unprotected sex with an infected person but is asymptomatic.

      What happens during chlamydia testing?

      A chlamydia test can be conducted by two methods. During the test the below procedure is followed.

      1. Urine sample

      In this method, a urine sample of a patient is taken for testing in the laboratory, and the sample is tested for the bacteria causing chlamydia.

      2. Swab test

      In this method, a medical professional takes a sterilized cotton swab and gently rubs the swab on the genitals of the patient. This method is used both for males and females. The swab sample is then sent to the laboratory for testing.

      Does chlamydia go away without treatment?

      Chlamydia is a bacterial infection. Sometimes, in about 20% of the cases, chlamydial infection is resolved on its own due to the body’s immune system. However, in the majority of the cases, a chlamydial infection needs to be treated. If you test positive for chlamydia, consult your doctor for a further course of treatment.

      Will chlamydia show in a regular urine test?

      A regular urine test is primarily used to detect bacterial infections in the urinary tract. Two methods can conduct a chlamydia test if the person is infected from a bacterial infection in the urinary tract. However, you may need a specialized test to determine the exact cause of the infection. Your doctor may suggest the test be conducted as several bacterial infections of the urinary tract are possible.

      How long should you not pee before a chlamydia test?

      If you’re going for a urine test to determine the bacterial infection in your urinary tract, it is suggested not to pee at least one hour before the test.

      Is there a window period for chlamydia?

      There is no known window period for a chlamydia test. It may range from 5 days to 2 weeks, depending upon exposure time. If you get sexual exposure to a person with chlamydia, get yourself tested. If you show any chlamydia or urinary tract infection symptoms, consult your doctor and get tested.

      How do I prepare for a chlamydia test?

      If you’re giving a urine sample for the chlamydia test, do not urinate for an hour before the test. 

      The test is conducted by a medical professional. You will be asked to remove your clothes from the waist down wearing a paper gown, and the medical professional will then take the swab sample from the tip of your genitals. Do not have any sexual intercourse if you test positive for chlamydia.

      Does chlamydia have a smell?

      Chlamydia in females causes a smell. The vaginal discharge of a chlamydia patient has a strong smell. However, there is no smell of chlamydia in men.

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