
What is an Audiometry Test?

An audiometry test measures our hearing ability. The evaluation involves checking our ability to hear various frequencies, sounds and pitches. When the nerves in our ears are stimulated by sound waves, sound travels to the brain. This forms the basic auditory system. This system is assessed by the audiometry test. 

Hearing loss is mostly seen in the population over 50 years. However, there is a rise in hearing loss in adolescents and young adults too. Thus, audiometry screening proves beneficial in the early detection of hearing discrepancies. 



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      Frequently Asked Questions:

      What is the Audiometry Test used for?

      Audiometry is used to identify any hearing impairment by measuring our ability to hear sounds. In audiometry, various issues related to hearing mechanisms like sound tone (speed of vibrations of sound waves), intensity (loudness of sound), balance etc. are tested. This test is performed either as a routine check-up or to detect a noticeable issue in the hearing. 

      Understanding the test results of the Audiometry Test

      A range of tests is performed in audiometry. They include:

      • Pure tone audiometry test: This test measures the lowest sound that we can hear. It is measured in decibels (dB). Below are the ranges and their interpretation:
      • <25 dB = Normal hearing
      • 25-40 dB = Mild hearing loss
      • 41-65 dB = Moderate hearing loss
      • 66-90 dB = Severe hearing loss
      • >90 dB = Profound hearing loss

      Word recognition test: This test helps to assess our ability to hear speech in the presence of background noise. In this test, the speech reception threshold, i.e., the lowest decibel at which you can hear, is measured. It should ideally be below ±10dB.

      • Tympanometry test: This test checks the presence of wax buildup, tumour, perforation in the eardrum or ossicle bone damage.

      Why do I need an Audiometry Test?

      An audiometry test helps you to identify any hearing problem or hearing loss at an early stage. If you experience a hearing issue or perceive a hearing concern, audiometry can help identify the cause and its severity. For any doubts, get a free second opinion here.

      What happens during an Audiometry Test?

      During the audiometry test, different sounds and tones are played through earphones. You must raise your hand whenever you hear a sound. Based on this, the audiologist takes the readings. In the word recognition test, you say the words that you hear. In a tympanometry test, your responses to various pressures and sounds are tracked through a soft plug placed in your ear. 


      What is the normal range for the audiometry test?

      The normal range of pure tone audiometry test is <25 dB and in the case of word recognition the speech reception threshold should be below ±10dB

      How do I prepare for an audiometry test?

      No specific preparations are necessary for taking up this test. You need to remain calm and quiet to obtain accurate readings. 

      What should you not do before an audiometry test?

      You should not be impatient or perturbed before the test. Choose to be calm and patient. It is a simple, non-invasive and painless procedure, so do not be fearful or uncomfortable. 

      How long does an audiometry test take?

      Audiometry ideally takes about an hour; however, the time may vary marginally from person to person.

      What if my ears are ringing?

      Ringing in the ears is a common condition wherein you hear noises not caused by external sounds. There may be several reasons for this, and some of them could be serious. It is thus necessary for you to get an audiometry test done to identify the underlying issue causing your ringing. If you are experiencing ringing in your ears, Book-An-Appointment now to get yourself tested.

      Are there any risks following the audiometry test?

      No, the audiometry test involves no side effects or risks at all. It is a simple procedure that is non-invasive and painless.

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