
What is Albert's Stain test?

Albert stain test helps in identifying the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae also known as Klebs-Loeffler bacillus. Albert’s stain is a special kind of stain used in this test where the swab samples of the patient are subjected to culture study in an appropriate lab environment and examined for the presence of metachromatic granules in Corynebacterium diphtheriae bacteria.

What is an Albert's Stain Test used for?

Albert’s stain test is used to stain and observe metachromatic granules found in Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Albert stain is a kind of differential stain used for staining and identifying metachromatic granules. The granules appear purple-black when exposed to Albert’s stain and against the light green cytoplasm. Albert stain only acts to stain metachromatic granules and no other granules in the bacteria.



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      Frequently Asked Questions:

      Why do I need Albert's Stain Test?

      This bacterium demonstrates general weakness along with symptoms of diphtheria, including cough, fever, sore throat with painful swelling near the tonsils, and difficulty in breathing.

      This diagnostic test is an important test for detecting the presence of metachromatic granules found in Corynebacterium diphtheriae. This will help the physician to start proper treatment for you.

      What happens during Albert's Stain Test?

      This test involves a few steps, each of which last a few minutes.

      • A throat swab is taken and used to prepare and fix the smear on a glass slide by gently heating it over a flame.
      • The heated and fixed smear is covered with methanol and kept aside for 15 seconds.
      • It is followed by draining and air drying the smear.
      • The smear is covered with Albert’s Stain A solution for 3 to 5 minutes.
      • It is drained but not washed.
      • The smear is covered with Albert’s Stain B solution again for 1 to 2 minutes.
      • The slide is rinsed, blotted to dry to examine the smear under the microscope, and not to be washed.

      Precautions are taken during the test to ensure the stained smear is not washed with water as it gets washed off and fades the stains, affecting the results. 

      How is the sample collected to perform Albert's staining?

      The sample for Albert’s staining test is taken on a clean cotton swab by gently rubbing it over your throat, tonsils, and other areas in the mouth.
      You will be asked to bend your head backward and keep your mouth open till the sample is collected.

      Does a throat swab hurt?

      No, it does not hurt and is not painful, but for many, it can be a little uncomfortable.

      What precautions are to be taken before Albert's staining test?

      Simple precautions are advised to be taken before Albert’s staining test, like not rinsing your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash before the sample is taken. Inform your doctor if you are under any medication, including antibiotics. These are important, as the results of the test may otherwise be affected.

      Understanding the test results of Albert's Stain Test

      Metachromatic staining is done with Albert's Stain to study the presence of these granules, as it shows a different staining characteristic. These granules appear in a blue, purple, black colour when exposed to the stains, whereas the body of Corynebacterium diphtheriae appears green. If the microscopic observation appears in two different colours on the smear slide, it indicates the presence of the bacteria causing diphtheria.

      How Should You Prepare For The Alberts's staining Test?

      There is no special preparation to be done for Albert's staining test. Simply ensure you follow your doctor's instructions and do not rinse your mouth with an antiseptic lotion before the sample is collected. Inform your physician if you are taking any antibiotics.

      What are the reagents used in Albert's staining procedure?

      There are two types of reagents used in Albert’s staining procedure:

      Albert’s A  solution – contains glacial acetic acid, ethyl alcohol, toluidine blue, malachite green, and distilled water.

      Albert’s B solution – contains iodine crystals, potassium iodide, and distilled water.

      Is the Alberts staining test harmful?

      No, this test is not harmful as the sample is collected in the lab by or under the supervision of trained and qualified technical and medical professionals. The sample collection process is very simple and not painful.

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