MD (PGIMER, Chandigarh) DM & Fellowship (AIIMS, New Delhi) EUS Fellowship (WISE, WEO) Consultant in Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Advanced Endoscopy
MRCP (UK), FRCP (Lon), CCT Gastro (UK), Fellowship in Advanced Endoscopy and IBD (Aus) 23 Years Of ExperienceSenior Consultant Medical Gastroenterologist and IBD Specialist
MRCP (UK), MRCP (Gastro), CCT (UK), FRCP (Glasgow), Fellowship in Hepatology and Liver Transplantation (Cambridge) 13 Years Of ExperienceConsultant Medical Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist
A gastroenterologist or a trained healthcare professional performs an endoscopy which is used to diagnose and treat conditions that can affect the esophagus, stomach and the beginning of the small intestine.
What diseases can be detected by an endoscopy?
An endoscopy can help in detecting gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), ulcers, celiac disease, inflammation or swelling, any cancer findings, blockages, precancerous abnormalities such as Barett’s esophagus.
What type of doctor does an endoscopy?
A gastroenterologist or a trained healthcare professional performs an endoscopy.
Is endoscopy a major surgery?
No,endoscopy is not a major surgery. It is a medical procedure done to observe,diagnose and sometimes treat conditions of the upper GI tract.